Monument Quilt seeks Development Contractor

The Monument Quilt (led by FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture) seeks a development contractor. Background: The Monument Quilt is an on-going collection of stories from survivors of rape and abuse. Written, stitched, and painted onto red fabric, our stories are displayed in city and town centers to create and demand public space to heal. The quilt […]

Relational Trauma: Alone, Alone together, then not Alone

A former therapist of mine stated that relational trauma nearly universally results in feeling “Alone with a capital A”. This reflects my experiences as a psychologist who specializes in relational trauma and also a survivor of relational trauma personally. Ironically, if all survivors at some point feel Alone, then maybe feeling Alone could be part […]

Seeking Interns for Fall 2015!

Over the past 2 years, the Monument has been fortunate to work with several teams of talented and motivated interns who are helping to make this vision a reality. We have worked with students from Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County and Maryland Institute College of Art. We […]

The Monument Quilt seeks a Web Designer and Developer

Web designer and developer needed to create a web interface for a digital version of the Monument Quilt. The Monument Quilt is an on-going collection of stories from survivors of rape and abuse. Written, stitched, and painted onto red fabric, our stories are displayed in city and town centers to create and demand public space […]

Ada Pinkston and Hoesy Corona of LabBodies Awarded FORCE Artist Residency

We are excited to announce that the multidisciplinary Artists and Cultural Organizers Ada Pinkston and Hoesy Corona, who are the collaborative duo that make up LabBodies, have been awarded the FORCE Printmaking Artist Residency at Pelham, AKA The Clubhouse! Their collaborative work includes performance art curation, and designing and creating immersive installations. To date, they have […]

Support the Monument Quilt Today!

Support the Monument Quilt Today! Between May 25-June 25 2015, our goal is to raise $20,000 to help us continue to bring the Monument Quilt to communities across the US. We are more than halfway to our goal with a challenge gift of $10,000 from an anonymous donor and with over $3,000 in smaller donations! […]

The Monument Quilt Transforms

Many of us have followed the story of Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student who has carried her mattress around campus for month to emphasize the great weight that survivors carry with them every day. She has called out for justice and action, even bringing her mattress across the stage at her recent graduation. Like […]

FORCE Artist Residency at Pelham

FORCE Artist Residency at Pelham is a two week residency with Pelham printmaking studio to produce a limited edition print, with themes focusing on consent and/or supporting survivors of sexual violence, to be exhibited in the FORCE Project Space during 2015 Artscape. And you’re invited to apply! Please note: Printmaking experience is NOT REQUIRED to […]

Bring The Monument Quilt To Your Town!

Displays of the quilt are a platform to uplift the work you do to build a culture of support for survivors of rape and abuse. The Monument Quilt mobilizes survivors across the country to stand together, resisting a one dimensional narrative about how rape and abuse happens, and who it affects. Displays can coincide with […]