Join us on October 21st for Hike for Healing! A national fundraiser for the Monument Quilt and FORCE, you can uplift the 2200 voices knit into the Quilt by simply organizing a walk or hike in your community to support survivors in their journey towards healing. Help us raise $50,000 through Hike for Healing, and support the […]
Tell Maryland Law Makers to Support Affirmative Consent
Maryland Lawmakers are considering legislation that would require all colleges and universities to use affirmative consent as their standard for defining sexual assault. House Bill 1142 defines affirmative consent as a clear, unambiguous, knowing, informed, and voluntary agreement between all participants. Lack of protest, lack of resistance, or silence does not indicate consent. The bill […]
Native Advocates Gain Momentum in Fight Against Dollar General
Native Advocates Gain Momentum in Fight Against Dollar General WASHINGTON DC. On Monday, December 7th, while the Supreme Court was hearing oral arguments in Dollar General vs Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, over 300 gathered outside in support of tribal jurisdiction and safety for Native women and Native youth. After being sued in tribal court […]
Call to Action! Stop Dollar General! Protect Native People!
Despite the fact that its store supervisor sexually assaulted a 13-year-old tribal member assigned to Dollar General under a tribal youth opportunity program, Dollar General is now fighting the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians’ right to protect its own citizens on tribal lands. Shockingly, Dollar General’s attack on tribal sovereignty has made it all the […]
Domestic Violence Survivor Tondalao Hall Is One Step Closer To Freedom
Today the Oklahoma Parole and Probation Board voted 4 to 1 to advance Tondalao Hall’s application for clemency and grant Hall a full hearing. Outside the parole board meeting, 400 stories from survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence written and stitched onto red fabric were displayed on the lawn of the Kate Bernard […]
The Monument Quilt Stands With Tondalo Hall
Survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence are taking their stories to the steps of an Oklahoma prison this Monday to demonstrate how our criminal justice system not only fails, but actually imprisons survivors. Tondalo Hall is a survivor of domestic violence currently serving a 30-year prison sentence for “failing to protect” her child from […]
CALL TO ACTION: Justice for Tondalo Hall
Tondalo Hall, a 30-year old mother from Oklahoma, is serving a 30 year sentence–15 times that of the man who abused her and her children–for “failing to protect” her children from his abuse. It’s a cruel failure of the justice system that all too often punishes survivors of domestic violence. Right now, we have a chance […]