Make a quilt square for American Indian Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Unity!

Make a quilt square for American Indian Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Unity!
Add your story as we raise our voices for a day of action and unity at the Oklahoma State capitol.

In partnership with the Native Alliance Against Violence, The Monument Quilt will be on display at the Oklahoma State Capitol on Thursday April 2 to raise awareness about the state of violence against Native women in Oklahoma and the US. Native women experience sexual assault 2.5 more times than any other ethnic group.  88% of perpetrators of violence against Native women are non-Native. In the US, tribal governments don’t have jurisdiction to prosecute non-Native offenders who commit sexual assault or rape on their lands.

The Monument Quilt is an on-going collection of stories from survivors of rape and abuse.  By stitching our stories together we are creating and demanding public space to heal. We are resisting the popular and narrow story of who is experience sexual violence by telling many stories, not one.  We are creating a platform to not only tell our stories, but forever change how the US responds to rape and abuse.

Add your story or a statement of support to the April 2 display! Learn how to make a quilt square here: You can mail your quilt square to Force by March 15 or bring it to the display on April 2.  Organizers who are interested in hosting a workshop can find more information here.